Maxwell Render Plugin For Solidworks

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Some of you may have seen the awesome rendering results obtained with Next Limit's Maxwell Render Ayiti the cost of life hacked.
(They say Maxwell Render's actual rendering time is slow because of its real life physics computation, but that should get better as processing power keepsimproving every year.)
Next Limithave a lot of plugins for modeling software such as Solidworks, 3DS Max etc. but not for Pro/E. I've emailed them now to see if they'll ever make a plugin for Pro/E, or whether they have some agreement with Solidworks, meaning Pro/E is left out of the loop. We'll see what their answer is.
Now the next question: Is there any chance that PTC would not help Next Limit to make a plug in, as they want to protect their ARX investment? I reckon if they could work with Next Limit, it could greatly enhance Pro/E's usefullness to industrial designers.
Now.. where do I go to ask PTC this question?