Autocad 2013 Portable Indowebster Indonesia

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This full version re-release of AutoCAD 2012 for Mac is provided for customers who require a fresh install. New Apple guidelines require that any software package installed on OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) meet certain security standards; in order to comply with this requirement, this re-released full version of AutoCAD has been built to include the changes distributed through the Service Pack. This complete package download should only be used if you require a complete re-install of the AutoCAD software, for example, you're changing machines, Technical Support has suggested you re-install, etc.

If you have already installed AutoCAD 2012 on your Mac and are just applying the patch, download the Service Pack instead.

AutoCAD 2012 for Mac (English)(dmg - 543638Kb)
AutoCAD 2012 for Mac (Français)(dmg - 539944Kb)

Note: If you need to reinstall the Mac versions of AutoCAD 2013 or AutoCAD LT 2013 on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) you should download the latest trial Mac versions at the following links:

These downloads have been updated to include Service Pack 1 and conform with the new Apple security requirements.

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